/15 0 votes, 0 avg 57 Created on October 05, 2021 8 to 11 Age Group Quiz quiz helps us to increase our knowledge 1 / 15 1) A series is given with one term missing choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series 12,15,19,24,30,? a) 38 b) 37 c) 39 d) 40 2 / 15 2) Find the odd one out. a) Housefly b) Spider c) Mosquito d) Butterfly 3 / 15 3) Find the odd pair of words from the given alternatives: a) Letters - Servant b) Perfumes - Perfumer c) Looking - Look d) Cleanliness - Sweeper 4 / 15 4) Find the missing term in the following series: 10, 15, 25, 40 a) 70 b) 60 c) 55 d) 50 5 / 15 5) Which of the following words will come first, if arranged according to the English dictionary. a) Rain b) Reef c) Ready d) Rainbow 6 / 15 6) There were 39 students in a class. Rishi was 7 ranks ahead of Rishabh. Rishabh's rank was 17th from last. What was the rank of Rishi? a) 12th b) 16th c) 17th d) 27th 7 / 15 7) Find the odd one out: a) Dolphin b) Fish c) Ape d) Beer 8 / 15 8) Arrange the following words in the order as they come in the dictionary and find the word that comes first. a) Size b) Sing c) Signal d) Simple 9 / 15 9)If MOUSE is coded as ESUOM, then the code for HORSE is: a) ERHOS b) ESROH c) ESRHO d) ESORH 10 / 15 10) S is the mother of A and B. If D is the husband of B, how is S related to D? a) Sister b) Mother c) Aunt d) Mother-in-law 11 / 15 11) Complete the series- 30, 24, 19, 15, 12 a) 9 b) 8 c) 10 d) 11 12 / 15 12) Find the odd pair of words from the given alternatives: a) Coach - Coachman b) Cash - Treasurer c) Iron - Goldsmith d) Crops - Farmer 13 / 15 13) raju's wife is the sister of Rakesh's son. how is Raju related to Rakesh? a) Son b) Grandson c) Son-in- law d) Brother- in-law 14 / 15 14) Pointing towards a man in a photograph, Asha said, His mother's only daughter is my mother. How is Asha related to the man? a) Mother b) Sister c) Wife d) Niece 15 / 15 15) In the following questions, four words have been given, out of which there are alike in some manner, while the fourth one is different. choose the odd one out. a) Pencil b) Paper c) Pen d) Book Your score is LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback